Wacky Cake

Homemade wacky cake - deanysdesigns.co.uk

Wacky cake

Wacky cake is a cocoa based sponge, that uses no eggs, butter or milk. It is said to have been created during the second world war when ingredients like eggs milk and butter were scarce. It is a very popular cake in the United States.

Thanks go to Lady Linda for forwarding the recipe to us 


  • 210g Plain flour
  • 200g Caster sugar
  • 3 tbsp cocoa
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 6 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp vinegar
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 225ml cold water


Preheat the oven to 180°

Sift together all the dry ingredients and make 3 holes

Put the vegetable oil in one hole, the vinegar in the 2nd hole and the vanilla in the third one.

Pour the cold water over it all and mix well with a fork or a whisk but do not beat.

Pour into an 8 x 8″ baking tray and bake for 30 – 40 minutes or until a toothpick or sharp end of a knife inserted in the centre of the cake comes out clean.

Serve with fresh cream or ice cream…….. I had the pleasure of trying it with both and they are equally yummy……….

Homemade wacky cake - deanysdesigns.co.uk     wacky4

Homemade wacky cake - deanysdesigns.co.uk     Homemade wacky cake - deanysdesigns.co.uk

Homemade wacky cake - deanysdesigns.co.uk     Homemade wacky cake - deanysdesigns.co.uk

Homemade wacky cake - deanysdesigns.co.uk     Homemade wacky cake - deanysdesigns.co.uk

Homemade wacky cake - deanysdesigns.co.uk     Homemade wacky cake recipe - deanys designs.co.uk


  1. Can you tell me why mine didn’t cook on the bottom? Checked all ingredient measurements and oven temp, put a skewer in and it came out clean. The top is tasty and light.

    • Oh that’s a shame Carol, it does sounds like a temperature issue though, maybe the oven wasn’t quite hot enough before it went in?

      • I actually used a thermometer to check the temp of the oven.(its a fan so I use 160 instead of 180) – its happened with a different egg free recipe too – damned if I know whats happened. I did whisk the mixture with a hand whisk once all the water was in, could that be the issue? I also used an 8 inch round cake tin, should I try a square one next time. Gutted I can’t get it right

      • Thanks for replying – I posted a reply but it seems to have disappeared. Oven temp checked with thermometer – fan oven so 160. I used an 8 inch round tin could that be a problem? Also I gave it a good whisk with a hand whisk after all water was in? Skewer came out clean but cake was unrisen and dense on the bottom – good on the top but sank when i took it out too- very sad!

  2. Never thought of that! Next time I will do it as you advise, thank you, it was well worth baking. I will definitely bake it again.
    Michael helped make it, photograph it and test it lol xx

  3. I like your topping of cream here the popular topping for this cake is peanut butter frosting. I usually mix the ingredients in the baking pan always a quick and easy dessert. Did Michael help you, if not, he probably did help eat it .. Though .. Lol.

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