2020 Wall Of Winners  

If you are a winner add your name and prize in the comments below and you will be added to the Wall of Winners. No Requests for answers, or submission of answers please on this page.

8th Dec ~ Emma Woodward won hair styling products from TAB magazine YAYYYYYY!!! x
3rd Dec ~ Karen Lakin won £25 from TAB magazine YAYYYYYY!!! x
1st Dec ~ Carole Eaves won £500 from TAB magazine YAYYYYYY!!! x
27th Nov ~ Emma won a signed book from Fate & Fortune YAYYYYYY!!! x
26th Nov ~ Mr Grumpy won £50 from TAB from YAYYYYYY!!! x
24th Nov ~ Angela T won £50 from The Sun YAYYYYYY!!! x
16th Nov ~ Margaret Knights won £500 from Thats Life magazine YAYYYYYY!!! x
16th Nov ~ Brenda won £500 from The Mirror YAYYYYYY!!! x
10th Nov ~ Andy Frost won £500 from Chat magazine YAYYYYYY!!! x
5th Nov ~ Paula Martin won £100 from Thats Life magazine YAYYYYYY!!! x
5th Nov ~ Sharon Spencer won £1000 from Thats Life magazine YAYYYYYY!!! x
24th October ~ Jackie D won £100 voucher from Waitrose competition YAYYYYYY!!! x
24th October ~ Carole Carter won £200 from spot the difference YAYYYYYY!!! x
21st September ~ Jason Barrow won £250 from TI media YAYYYYYY!!! x
21st September ~ Patricia Dewey won £500 from That’s Life mag YAYYYYYY!!! x
19th September ~ Ethel won £320 from Real people mag YAYYYYYY!!! x
27th August ~ Brenda won £200 gift card from Good housekeeping mag YAYYYYYY!!! x
3rd August ~ Lyn Burchell won £100 from Take a Break magazine YAYYYYYY!!! x
25th July ~ Emma won £500 from Midsummer Puzzle Collection YAYYYYYY!!! x
24th July ~ Shelley Bell won £100 from Chat YAYYYYYY!!! x
23rd July ~ Jackie Whittingham won £1000 from Thats Life Crime scene YAYYYYYY!!! x
14th July ~ Mr Grumpy Is no longer grumpy he’s won £50 from My favourite puzzles YAYYYYYY!!! x
4th July ~ Susan won £100 from Take a Break YAYYYYYY!!! x
3rd July ~ Danielle won £50 from Inside Soap YAYYYYYY!!! x
***** 3rd July ~ KAZ won £9000 from Take a break YAYYYYYY!!! *****
28th June ~ Julie won £100 from Mail on Sunday YAYYYYYY!!! x
26th June ~ P.J won £100 from Pile-up puzzle YAYYYYYY!!! x
10th June ~ Jackie won £50 from Thats Life magazine YAYYYYYY!!! x
3rd June ~ Debbie won £200 from Bella magazine YAYYYYYY!!! x
26th May ~ Ethel won £200 from That’s Life YAYYYYYY!!! x
13 th May ~ Davyboy won a DVD Babylon Berlin from What’s on TV YAYYYYYY!!! x
28th April ~ Patricia Dewey won £200 from That’s Life YAYYYYYY!!! x
22nd April ~ Sheila Gledhill won a massive £2000 from That’s Life YAYYYYYY!!! x
15th April ~ Hysteria won a family day out ticket from Real People Yay!!! x
14th April ~ Jason won £500 from TAB mag!! Yay!!! x
3rd April ~ Brenda won a swimming costume from Yours mag!! Yay!!! x
29th March ~ Jackie won £200 from Thats Life mag!! Yay!!! x
27th March ~ Mr Grumpy won £750 from TAB Puzzler mag!! Yay!!! x
21st March ~ Sheila Gledhill won Perfume from Puzzler mag!! Yay!!! x
20th March ~ Ethel won £200 gift card from TV Choice mag!! Yay!!! x
6th March ~ Julieanne won £1000 from Chat mag & book bundle from Yours mag!! Yay!!! x
5th March ~ Brenda won a vegan brush set & bag Yay!!! x
5th March ~ Jacquie won £20 gift voucher Yay!!! x
3rd March ~ Jackie won £100 from Real People Yay!!! x
22nd February ~ Emma won £50 from The Sun sportscode Yay!!! x
13th February ~ Hysteria won again! £100 from Puzzler Collection Yay!!! x
13th February ~ Jason won £50 Yay!!! x
29th January ~ Hysteria won DVD set from Take a Break Yay!!! x
28th January ~ Margaret won £100 from The Sun Yay!!! x
10th January ~ Belinda won a camera from Real People magazine Yay!!! x
20th January ~ Jacquie won £50 Tesco gift cards from Compers news Yay!!! x
24th January ~ Shrikant won £100 from Real People Yay!!! x
24th January ~ Ethel won £50 from Chat magazine online entry Yay!!! x
24th January ~ Kim won a pet feeder from Take a pets magazine Yay!!! x



View 2016 winners Here & 2017 Winners Here

View 2018 winners Here & 2019 Here


  1. Seems the same people keep winning ….maybe you have some tips for
    An outsider?

  2. Hi,

    Just received today’s post with a letter from TAB from the November issue I’ve won a Hot Tools Hair Styling Set which includes the black/gold volumniser and the evolve gold titanium Hair Styler so, that was a pleasant surprise.

  3. Karen won £25 from take a break

  4. pre Christmas surprise . just won £500, in Tab take a puzzle, its been a lean year but this is a gem
    Happy comping to all

  5. Deany – I have won a signed copy of Stella’s book – Sensual Sorcery, from November’s Fate & Fortune!! Have a fantastic weekend 🥳🥳👍🏻 Thank you to you and everyone that contributes to the site 🙏🏻

  6. Hooray Just received a cheque for £50 off TAB for the Starscope comp.

  7. Had e mail to say I have won £50 from The Sun Arroword puzzle

  8. I have just had an e-mail saying I have won £500 in the SuperSearch competition of Issue 44 of That’s Life.

  9. Brenda received £500 cheque for mirror crossword.

  10. I received a cheque on Tuesday 10th Nov 2020 I won £500 in a Sept edition of chat the big quiz

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