2023 Wall Of Winners  

If you are a winner add your name and prize in the comments below and you will be added to the Wall of Winners. No Requests for answers, or submission of answers please on this page.

20th Dec ~ Barbara Bradie won £500 from The Sun newspaper yayyyy!!x
19th Dec ~ Carole Eaves won £100 from That’s Life magazine yayyyy!!x
15th Dec ~ Mr Tivey won a Hotel break & £500 expenses paid from Take a Break yayyyy!!x
15th Dec ~ Julieanne won £1000 cash & train tickets to York yayyyy!!x
15th Dec ~ Julieanne won £100 gift card from Take a Break magazine yayyyy!!x
1st Dec ~ Rosemary Daniell won £100 from That’s Life magazine yayyyy!!x
24th Nov ~ Julieanne won £100 from ASDA magazine yayyyy!!x
16th Nov ~ Mandy Smith won £100 from That’s Life magazine yayyyy!!x
7th Nov ~ Richard Brown won £50 from That’s Life magazine yayyyy!!x
21st Oct ~ Mrs Barrow won £1000 from That’s Life magazine yayyyy!!x
12th Oct ~ Wendy Robinson won £50 from Lovatts magazine yayyyy!!x
3rd Oct ~ CE won £50 from That Sun newspaper yayyyy!!x
28th Sept ~ Dorian Davies won a retreat experience for 2 & £200 from That’s Life yayyyy!!x
30th Aug ~ jason Barrow won £100 from the Sun newspaper yayyyy!!x
26th Aug ~ Lesley Richards won £100 from take a break magazine yayyyy!!x
23rd Aug ~ Patricia Dewey won £75 from Chat magazine yayyyy!!x
18th Aug ~ Christine won £25 from Take a Break magazine yayyyy!!x
18th Aug ~ Peter Ogg’s family won £3000 from Take a Break & £500 from That’s Life yayyyy!!x
7th Aug ~ Anne-Marie King won £25 from Take a Break magazine yayyyy!!x
31st July ~ Lisa won £25 from Take a Break magazine yayyyy!!x
25th July ~ Barabara Bradie won Garden feed from The Sun yayyyy!!x
20th July ~ Karen Oakley won Big Bonanza Comp from Take a Break magazine yayyyy!!x
13th July ~ Rosemary Woolard won £71 from Take a Puzzle magazine yayyyy!!x
1st July ~ Gail won an Air fryer from Metro newspaper yayyyy!!x
29th June ~ Mr Khan won £1000 gift vouchers from Cineworld yayyyy!!x
24th June ~ Lorraine Baker won a Body gift set from Yours magazine yayyyy!!x
16th June ~ NJ Williams won £500 from Thats Life magazine yayyyy!!x
16th June ~ John Coulthard won £500 from Thats Life magazine yayyyy!!x
26th May ~ Sandra won The BIG cash prize from Take a Break yayyyy!!x
10th May ~ Mandy Smith won £20 from Future Publishing yayyyy!!x
4th May ~ Maureen won £1000 from Thats Life magazine yayyyy!!x
22nd April ~ Rosemary Daniell won £150 from TAB magazine yayyyy!!x
5th April ~ Barbara Bradie won a book from Fabulous magazine yayyyy!!x
1st April ~ Wendy Hiley won £25 from Take A Break yayyyy!!x
1st April ~ Barbara Bradie won an easter egg from Best magazine yayyyy!!x
18th March ~ Mr Khan won a holiday to Majorca from Bella magazine yayyyy!!x
18th March ~ Margaret Hardman won £100 voucher to the theatre yayyyy!!x
17th March ~ Lorraine Baker won £50 from Candis magazine yayyyy!!x
15th March ~ Lesley Richards won £200 from Bella magazine yayyyy!!x
8th March ~ Christine won £50 from Future yayyyy!!x
7th March ~ Wendy won £25 from Future yayyyy!!x
2nd March ~ Paula Martin won £30 from Sudoku yayyyy!!x
1st March ~ Jason Barrow won £100 from Capital Radio (see below) yayyyy!!x
27th February ~ Christine won £50 from Future yayyyy!!x
25th February ~ Shelley Bell won £25 from Love It magazine yayyyy!!x
16th February ~ Jane Whittick won a fab prize worth £2000 (see below) from Sunday Times magazine yayyyy!!x
10th February ~ Sue won £50 from Chat magazine yayyyy!!x
8th February ~ Eva Vida won £25 from take a break magazine yayyyy!!x
1st February ~ Yazz White won £1000 from That’s Life magazine yayyyy!!x
26th January ~ Alison won £50 from That’s Life magazine yayyyy!!x
26th January ~ Christine won £500 from That’s Life magazine yayyyy!!x
17th January ~ Barbara Brady won a hand cleanser from Fabulous magazine yayyyy!!x
13th January ~ Vic won £50 from Take a Puzzle magazine yayyyy!!x
13th January ~ Graham won £100 from TAB magazine yayyyy!!x
9th January ~ Mark won £500 from Chat magazine yayyyy!!x
6th January ~ Lisa won £500 from That’s Life magazine yayyyy!! Great start to the year x
6th January ~ Julie won £1001 from Chat magazine yayyyy!! Perfect start to the year x
6th January ~ Deany…yes me 🙂 won a bag worth £180 from a FB draw yayyyy!!


View 2016 winners Here & 2017 Winners Here

View 2018 winners Here & 2019 Here

View 2020 Winners Here & 2021 Here

& 2022 Here


  1. Talk about “always the bridesmaid never the bride”…….
    everyone in the family seem to be winning prizes, a few just little ones of £25….my son phoned me this morning to tell me he had just opened a letter from TV Choice to tell him he’d won a £200 Love to Shop voucher from the
    T K Maxx competition (think it was Issue 41) and it will be with him within 28 days. I’ve told him I definitely want a Christmas Present this year !!
    He is due to start a new job in a weeks time, he’s not worked for 10 years, so hopefully things are looking up for him and his family “It all comes to he who waits”


  2. Hi Deany, my wife won £1000 from the Big Cash Crossword in “That’s life” Magazine.
    Super excited!!!!

  3. Just had a letter with a cheque for £50.00 from Lovatts crosswords

  4. Just received an email from the Sun saying I am the winner of their Prize Arrow Word, winning £50.00. It’s been so long since I’ve won anything, so I am delighted!

  5. I won £100 with the sun raffle. I collect the codes regularly and finally won.

  6. Hi DeanyI received a letter from take a break telling me I had won £100 on the code break puzzle issue 31 my first ever win with tab,to anyone else who haven’t won with tab keep trying as you never know.Good Luck to everyone with their entries✌️✌️

  7. I sent the paper entry for Chat mag in my husbands name and he has just received a cheque for £75 from the Word Jumble competition. I hope he shares it with me!

  8. Just won £25 from Take a Break, my fourth comp win so far this year 🙂

  9. I enter my family in the online Magazine comps. My wife just won £3,000 from the Take a Break Picture Arroword, and my daughter £500 from Thats Life. Not a bad week !

    • Wowsers! That’s fabulous Peter, I wonder what the 3rd win will be if we believe that luck runs in threes, congratulations wife & daughter 🎉🍾🥂

    • Congratulations Peter and family, spend wisely, and keep doing the comps Margaret xx

    • Hi, I only enter myself, so I could enter my family even from from the same device, ie my mobile phone it wouldn’t come up a duplicate as the same IP or home address??

  10. I won £25 on 4 squared Take a Break issue 25, thanks as always to those I check my answers against

  11. I won £25 Take A Break Issue 26 Mega Snap

  12. Hi, just had e-mail to say I have won a tub of Organic All Purpose Garden Feed from The Sun gardening comps.

  13. Just received a letter from Take A Break I’ve won Big Bonanza in issue 27. How delighted am I !!!
    Thanks Take A Break 😊

  14. Rosemary Woolard

    Just got a cheque from Take a Puzzle Magazine £71.00, very pleased but seems an odd amount? tried to look up winners list, comes up page 404 not found, anybody got a clue ? 😉

  15. I won a Ninja Foodi Dual Zone Air Fryer from the Metro Newspaper. So pleased as i was going to treat myself to one this year!

  16. Email from Cineworld to say i have won a competition for £1000 gift vouchers. 3rd win within the last 4 months 🙂

  17. Received a letter from Yours magazine – Won the latest body mist range from AOURA London. Win from Issue 429 – Postal entry.

  18. Hi, hope everyone is well… I came home to my 4th win in 4 years! I won £500 in the that’s life May issue! Crime special! The lady I rang was lovely & it’ll be in my bank within 14 days! 🥳🥳🥳🥳

    Good luck everyone xx

  19. Just had a cheque from future publishing for £20 first win in years. Says on cheque three in a row winner not sure what magazine it’s from

  20. Just received a letter from That’s Life saying I’ve won £1,000 in the Big Cash Crossword competition in issue 16. Absolutely delighted! xx

  21. Rosemary Daniell

    Got a letter from Take A Break to say I’ve won £150 for Find The Money Issue 14. Very pleased & looking forward to cheque arrival.

  22. My husband Paul won a book and video consultation from Fate and Fortune

  23. Afternoon, just had e-mail from Fabulous magazine, I have won a book. I know another small win, waiting for the ‘big’ one xx

  24. Morning,
    Another small win, Cadbury Creme Egg Easter egg, from Best Magazine.

  25. I won a holiday to Majorca through the Bella magazine. Thanks everyone for your help.

  26. Margaret Hardman

    Lovely surprise in the post this morning….first significant win for a while, £100 gift voucher for the theatre, through the Manchester Evening News, been Googling the two big theatre’s we have in Manchester all morning to see what’s coming up. Quite a few good productions being advertised, so I will have a few to choose from !
    Fingers crossed for everybody on this wonderful site to win something
    Margaret xx

  27. Just received a surprise £50.00 in the post from Candis Magazine for the Pathfinder puzzle. Happy Days!!

  28. Hi Deany,just received an email from Bella Magazine,I have won £200 from issue 9 could not believe it I am really happy.It goes to prove perseverance pays off.If you keep entering all the competitions you can it will happen.Good Luck to everyone on Deanys site with their entries.🤞🤞

  29. I must be on a lucky roll, this is my third win within a matter of weeks, just won £50 from Future again, happy days 🙂

  30. Got a cheque from Future for £25.00 today. No idea what publication but who cares eh ? Not had a win in ages so feeling pleased

  31. I won £30 for a suduko puzzle in January or February . I don’t know which magazine though. No letter. Just a cheque. 😄

  32. I just received a £100 Ticketmaster credit from a competition from Capital / Smooth Radio. First win in a long time.

  33. Just had a cheque for a win from Future, not sure which magazine it was from, but a nice £50 win, happy monday 🙂

  34. Hi Everyone!
    I won £25 in Love It! mag for Guess The Year!

  35. Lovely surprise today winner of sundy times where am I
    Competition to Scotland and steam trains worth £2.000
    Fab prize

  36. I had a lovely surprise in the post today 🙂 – I won £50 from Chat in a January issue .Good luck everyone, hope it’s a good year for all of us

  37. Finally after many years I won £25 from Take a break 🙂 Yay!!! Thank you for the help 🙂

  38. Congratulations Yazz, fantastic win 🥳🍾🥂

  39. I got one today also from That’s Life(crime scene) for £50 🙂 first win in a few years..

  40. Just came home at lunch time today to find a letter from That’s Life informing me that I had won £500 in their SuperSearch comp, happy Days 🙂

  41. Morning all,
    First small win, a posh gel cleanser just for survey in Fabulous Magazine.

  42. Vic won £50 take a puzzle. January 2023

  43. Hubby – Graham received a cheque for £100 today from TAB Issue 48/49 for the N4SD competition. First time winner for him!!!

  44. Well done everyone, great to see you winning Deany with all the hard work you put in. Xx

  45. Well Done To Everybody.And Best Of Luck To One And All This Year Best Regards Mark

  46. Great start to 2023 for you all, but really glad to see Deany up there as well in the winners list xx
    Come on gang, let’s get as many of our names up on the 2023 list of winners……
    Good Luck Everyone
    Margaret xx

  47. Hi Deany
    Well done on your win, l agree its nice to see your name on the winners list.
    You really make me laugh with your comments on the winners page.

  48. Well done Deany, congratulations nice to see your name on the winners list. Good luck for more

  49. Won £500 Big Arrow Challenge competition featured in Issue 50 of that’s life!. Received the letter informing me of the win on 31/12/22 so the perfect start to the New Year.

  50. £1,001 Chat Biggie – received 6/123. Doesn’t tell me which issue. Online. Great way to start the New Year!

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